Trap #1 - Manager Traps

D0 Key QDOS/SMSQ Mnemonic Description
$00 MT_INF/SMS.INFO Get system information
$01 MT_CJOB/SMS.CRJB Create but do not ativate a new job
$02 MT_JINF/SMS.INJB Get information for an existing job
$04 MT_RJOB/SMS.RMJB Remove an existing job
$05 MT_FRJOB/SMS.FRJB Force remove an existing job
$06 MT_FREE/SMS.FRTP Find the maximum amount of free memory
$07 MT_TRAPV/SMS.EXV Set the TRAP Vector table in RAM
$08 MT_SUSJB/SMS.SSJB Suspend an existing job
$09 MT_RELJB/SMS.USJB Release a suspended job
$0A MT_ACTIV/SMS.ACJB Activate a newly created job
$0B MT_PRIOR/SMS.SPJB Set a job’s priority
$0C MT_ALLOC/SMS.ALHP Allocate user heap space
$0D MT_LNKFR/SMS.REHP Free allocated user heap space
$0E MT_ALRES/SMS.ARPA Allocate resident procedure space
$0F MT_RERES Not Implemented on SMSQ/E
$10 MT_DMODE/SMS.DMOD Read or set the display mode
$11 MT_IPCOM/SMS.HDOP Use the IPC second processor commands
$12 MT_BAUD/SMS.COMM Set the baud rate for the serial ports
$13 MT_RCLCK/SMS.RRTC Read the system clock
$14 MT_SCLCK/SMS.SRTC Set the system clock
$15 MT_ACLCK/SMS.ARTC Adjust the system clock
$16 MT_ALBAS/SMS.AMPA Allocate SuperBasic space
$17 MT_REBAS/SMS.RMPA Free allocated SuperBasic space
$18 MT_ALCHP/SMS.ACHP Allocate space in the common heap
$19 MT_RECHP/SMS.RCHP Release allocated space in the common heap
$1A MT_LXINT/SMS.LEXI Link an external interrupt handler routine
$1B MT_RXINT/SMS.REXI Unlink an external interrupt handler routine
$1C MT_LPOLL/SMS.LPOL Link a polled task
$1D MT_RPOLL/SMS.RPOL Unlink a polled task
$1E MT_LSCHD/SMS.LSHD Link a scheduler task
$1F MT_RSCHD/SMS.RSHD Unlink a scheduler task
$20 MT_LIOD/SMS.LIOD Link a new I/O driver
$21 MT_RIOD/SMS.RIOD Unlink an I/O driver
$22 MT_LDD/SMS.LFSD Link a new directory driver
$23 MT_RDD/SMS.RFSD Unlink a directory driver
$24 MT_TRA/SMS.TRNS Set TRA & message tables

The following are not found in the original QDOS and are SMS only.

D0 Key SMSQ/E Mnemonic Description
$26 SMS.LTHG Link a Thing into the Thing list
$27 SMS.RTHG Unlink a Thing from the Thing list
$28 SMS.UTHG Use a Thing
$29 SMS.FTHG Free a Thing
$2A SMS.ZTHG Zap a Thing
$2B SMS.NTHG Get next Thing
$2C SMS.NTHU Get next Thing user

The following are now in SMSQ.

D0 Key SMSQ/E Mnemonic Description
$25 SMS.XTOP Do external operation
$2E SMS.IOPR IO priority
$2F SMS.CACH Cache handling
$30 SMS.LIDM Link in language dependent module
$31 SMS.LENQ Language enquiry
$32 SMS.LSET Language set
$33 SMS.PSET Printer translate set
£34 SMS.MPTR Find a message pointer
$35 SMS.FPRM Find preferred module
$36 Not implemented
$37 Not implemented
$38 SMS.SCHP Shrink allocation in common heap
$39 Not implemented
$3A SMS.SEVT Send event to job
$3B SMS.WEVT Wait for event