System Variables

The system variables are used by QDOSMSQ to hold details of how the system looks. Some of these are helpful to user written programs, others are not.

In the old days, QDOS was written on the assumption that the system variables would move around in memory. Then this was changed, and they became resident at address $28000 or 163840.

Recent changes have put things back where they were again, so never assume that the variables are fixed in memory.

For this reason, the table below gives offsets from the start of the system variables and not absolute addresses.

Offset Size QDOS Mnemonic SMSQ Mnemonic Description
$00 Long SV_IDENT SYS_IDNT Identification word.
QDOS = $D2540000
SMS = ‘S2AT’
Thor (ARGOS) = $DC010000
$04 Long SV_CHEAP SYS_CHPB Pointer to start of common heap
$08 Long SV_CHPFR SYS_CHPF Pointer to first free space in common heap
$0C Long SV_FREE SYS_FSBB Pointer to start of free memory
$10 Long SV_BASIC SYS_SBAB Pointer to SuperBasic area
$14 Long SV_TRNSP SYS_TPAB Pointer to start of Transient Program area
$18 Long SV_TRNFR SYS_TPAF Pointer to first free space in Transient Program area
$1C Long SV_RESPR SYS_RPAB Pointer to start of Resident Procedure area
$20 Long SV_RAMT SYS_RAMT Pointer to the end of RAM + 1
$24 Long Unused SYS_MXFR Maximum return from free memory call
$28 Long Unused SYS_RTC Real time in seconds
$2C Word Unused SYS_RTCF Real time fractional countdown
$2E Word SV_RAND SYS_RAND Pseudo random number
$30 Word SV_POLLM SYS_PICT Count of poll interrupts that have been missed
$32 Byte SV_TVMOD SYS_DTYP TV/Monitor mode.
0 = Monitor.
1 = PAL TV (SMSQ only).
2 = NTSC TV ((525 Lines.)).
<>2 = PAL TV (QDOS Only) ((625 lines.))
$33 Byte SV_SCRST SYS_DFRZ Screen status (MODE corrupts this variable).
0 = Screen is active.
<>0 = Screen is ‘frozen’
$34 Byte SV_MCSTA SYS_QLMR Copy of TV hardware register
$35 Byte SV_PCINT SYS_QLIR Copy of Interrupt hardware register
$36 Byte Unused SYS_RSHD OK to reschedule
$37 Byte SV_NETNR SYS_NNNR Network station number (1 to 64)
$38 Long SV_I2LST SYS_EXIL Pointer to start of external interrup list
$3C Long SV_PLIST SYS_POLL Pointer to start of polled tasks list
$40 Long SV_SHLST SYS_SHDL Pointer to start of scheduler task list
$44 Long SV_DRLST SYS_IODL Pointer to start of simple device driver list
$48 Long SV_DDLST SYS_FSDL Pointer to start of directory device list
$4C Long SV_KEYQ SYS_CKYQ Pointer to current keyboard queue (zero if no queue)
$50 Long SV_TRAPV SYS_ERTB Pointer to current RAM vector table (zero if none)
$54 Long SV_BTPNT SYS_SBRP Pointer to most recent slave block entry
$58 Long SV_BTBAS SYS_SBTB Pointer to base of slave block table
$5C Long SV_BTTOP SYS_SBTT Pointer to end of slave block table +1
$60 Word SV_JBTAG SYS_JBTG Current value of job tag
$62 Word SV_JBMAX SYS_JBTP Highest job number so far
$64 Long SV_JBPNT SYS_JBPT Pointer to current job’s entry in job table
$68 Long SV_JBBAS SYS_JBTB Pointer to start of job table
$6C Long SV_JBTOP SYS_JBTT Pointer to top of job table +1
$70 Word SV_CHTAG SYS_CHTG Current value of channel tag
$72 Word SV_CHMAX SYS_CHTP Highest channel number so far
$74 Long SV_CHPNT SYS_CHPT Last channel checked by the waiting for I/O scheduler routine
$78 Long SV_CHBAS SYS_CHTB Pointer to start of channel table
$7C Long SV_CHTOP SYS_CHTT Pointer to end of channel table +1
$80 Long Unused SYS_FRBL Free block list. (List of blocks to be returned to the common heap)
$84 Long Unused Unused Unused
$88 Word SV_CAPS SYS_CAPS Caps lock indicator.
0 = off.
$FF00 = on
$8A Word SV_ARBUF SYS_LCHR Last key pressed
$8C Word SV_ARDEL SYS_RDEL Key repeat delay (default = 30 (QDOS), 25 (SMSQ))
$8E Word SV_ARFRQ SYS_RTIM Key repeat frequency (default = 4 (QDOS), 2 (SMSQ))
$90 Word SV_ARCNT SYS_RCNT Key repeat counter
$92 Word SV_CQCH SYS_SWTC Change keyboard queue code (3 = CTRL C)
$94 Word SV_WP Write protect status of microdrives (Not implemented)
$96 Word SV_SOUND SYS_QLBP Sound status.
0 = off.
$FF00 = on
$98 Long SV_SER1C SYS_SER1 Pointer to serial port 1’s input queue
$9C Long SV_SER2C SYS_SER2 Pointer to serial port 2’s input queue
$A0 Byte SV_TMODE SYS_TMOD ULA transmit mode.
Bits 0 - 2 = baud rate number.
Bit 3 = 0 = ser1.
        = 1 = ser2.
Bit 4 = A microdrive is running?
$A1 Byte SV_PTYP SYS_PTYP Processor type.
$00 = 68000 or 68008.
$10 = 68010.
$20 = 68020
$A2 Long SV_CSUB SYS_CSUB Pointer to a routine to call when CAPS held down (or is it?)
$A6 Word SV_TIMO SYS_TMOT Counter for timing serial output. ((On QDOS, the //word// at offset $A6 has the use described here. It appears, however, that in SMS[Q] on an Atari ST, the //byte// at $A6 is used to define if DMA (Direct Memory Access) is on or off.))
$A8 Word SV_TIMOV SYS_TMOV Value of timeout for the above. (= 1200/baud +1) ????
$AA Word SV_FSTAT SYS_FSTT Cursor flash counter
$AC Long SV_PROGD SYS_PRGD Pointer to current TK2 PROGD$, or zero
$B0 Long SV_DATAD SYS_DATD Pointer to current TK2 DATAD$, or zero
$B4 Long SV_SPLD SYS_DSTD Pointer to current TK2 spool device name
$B8 Long SV_THGLST SYS_THGL Pointer to thing list (PE)
$BC Long SYS_PSF Primary stack frame pointer (SMSQ)
$C0 Byte SYS_200I 200 Hz in service (SMSQ)
$C1 Byte SYS_50I 50 Hz in service (SMSQ)
$C2 Byte SYS_10I 10 Hz in service (SMSQ)
$C3 Byte SYS_PLRQ Poll requested (-ve for request) (SMSQ)
$C4 Long SYS_CLNK Pointer to console linkage (SMSQ)
$C8 Byte SYS_CASTAT -1 cache on, +1 instruction cache temp off (SMSQ)
$C9 Byte SYS_CASUP Cache suppressed timer (SMSQ)
$CA Word SYS_IOPR IO priority (SMSQ)
$CC Long SYS_CBAS Current basic (copy of SYS_JBPT) (SMSQ)
$D0 Byte SYS_FPU Type of FPU (FPSAVE)
-1 = no FPU
1 = 68881 and no FPSP
2 = 68882 and no FPSP
4 = 68040 and no FPSP
6 = 68060 and no FPSP
9 = 68881 and FPSP (library version)
10 = 68882 and FPSP (library version)
12 = 68040 and FPSP (library version)
14 = 68060 and FPSP (library version)
$D1 Byte SYS_MMU Type of MMU (FPSAVE)
-1 = no MMU
1 = 68851
3 = 68030
4 = 68040 or 68LC040
7 = 68060 or 68LC060
$D2 Word SYS_FPZS Maximum length of FPSAVE area (FPSAVE)
$D4 Long SYS_FPSL Address of save area list (FPSAVE)
$D8 Long SYS_CLFP Address to access the FPSP (FPSAVE)
$DC Long Unused
$E0 Byte SYS_PRTC Set if real time clock protected (SMSQ)
$E1 Byte SYS_PMEM Memory protection level (SMSQ ST)
$E2 Word SYS_SLUG Slug level (SMSQ)
$E4 Long Unused
$E8 Long SYS_KLNK Pointer to keyboard linkage
$EC Word Unused
$EE Byte SV_MDRUN SYS_MDRN Which microdrive is running (1 - 8)
$EF Byte SV_MDCNT SYS_MDCT Microdrive run up/down counter
$F0 8 Bytes SV_MDDID SYS_MDID Drive id * 4 for 8 microdrives
$F8 8 Bytes SV_MDSTA SYS_MDST Status of each microdrive. 0 = no pending operations
$100 16 Longs SV_FSDEF SYS_FSDD 16 Pointers to file system definitions
$140 Long SV_FSLST SYS_FSDT Pointer to list of file channel definitions
$144 Byte SV_TRAA SYS_XACT TRAnslate is active flag. 0 = inactive, <>0 = active
$145 Byte Unused
$146 Long SV_TRATAB SYS_XTAB Pointer to TRAnslate table
$14A Long SV_MSGTAB SYS_ERMS Pointer to (TRA) message table
$14E Long SYS_MSTAB Pointer to SMSQ message table
$154 4 Longs SYS_TASKM used by Taskmaster - conflicts with . .
$160 Long SYS_TURBO used by Turbo
$164 Long SYS_QSOUND used by QSound - conflicts with . .
$166 Long SYS_LANG Current language code (SMSQ)
$168 Long SYS_LDMLST Language dependent module list (SMSQ)
$16C Word SYS_LANG Current language (SMSQ)
$16E Word Unused
$170 Long SYS_VERS Operating system version (SMSQ)