
There are numerous vectors on QDOS and SMSQ/E, which are shoe-horned into the first half of the QL ROM. They can all be accessed by code, similar to the following :

start   move.w  UT_CON,a2       ; Fetch the routine address from the vector table
        ;                       ; Set parameter registers etc here
        jsr     (a2)            ; Call the routine
        tst.l   d0              ; Set the Z flag if all ok
        beq.s   ok              ; All worked ok

oops    ;                       ; Process errors here
        ;                       ; Exit or carry on appropriately

ok      ;                       ; Carry on processing here
Vector QDOS Mnemonic SMSQ/E Mnemonic Description
$C0 MM_ALCHP MEM_ACHP Allocate space in the common heap
$C2 MM_RECHP MEM_RCHP Release space in the common heap
$C4 UT_WINDW OPW_WIND Create a window channel
$C6 UT_CON OPW_CON Create a console channel
$C8 UT_SCR OPW_SCR Create a screen channel
$CA UT_ERR0 UT_WERSY rint error message on #0
$CC UT_ERR UT_WERMS Print error message to any channel
$CE UT_MINT UT_WINT Print a decimal number to any channel
$D0 UT_MTEXT UT_WTEXT Send a message to a channel
$D2 UT_LINK MEM_LLST Link an item into a list
$D4 UT_UNLNK MEM_RLST Unlink an item from a list
$D6 UT_CRASH CV_DATIL QDOS - Crashes the QL. SMS - Convert date & time (6 words) into a long integer
$D8 MM_ALCHP MEM_ALHP Allocate space from a user heap
$DA MM_LNKFR MEM_REHP Link free space (back) into a user heap
$DC IO_QSET IOQ_SETQ Set up a queue header
$DE IO_QTEST IOQ_TEST Test a queue’s status
$E0 IO_QIN IOQ_PBYT Put a byte into a queue
$E2 IO_QOUT IOQ_GBYT Get a byte from a queue
$E4 IO_QEOF IOQ_SEOF Put EOF marker into a queue
$E6 UT_CSTR UT_CSTR Compare two strings
$E8 IO_SERQ IOU_SSQ Direct queue handling
$EA IO_SERIO IOU_SSIO General I/O handling
$EC CN_DATE CV_ILDAT Get date as a string
$EE CN_DAY CV_ILDAY Get day as a string
$F0 CN_FTOD CV_FPDEC Convert a floating point number to ASCII
$F2 CN_ITOD CV_IWDEC Convert an integer to ASCII
$F4 CN_ITOBB CV_IBBIN Convert binary byte (8 bits) to ASCII
$F6 CN_ITOBW CV_IWBIN Convert binary word (16 bits) to ASCII
$F8 CN_ITOBL CV_ILBIN Convert binary long word (32 bits) to ASCII
$FA CN_ITOHB CV_IBHEX Convert hex byte (8 bits) to ASCII
$FC CN_ITOHW CV_IWHEX Convert hex word (16 bits) to ASCII
$FE CN_ITOHL CV_ILHEX Convert hex long word (32 bits) to ASCII
$100 CN_DTOF CV_DECFP Convert ASCII to floating point
$102 CN_DTOI CV_DECIW Convert ASCII to word integer
$104 CN_BTOIB CV_BINIB Convert ASCII to binary byte (8 bits)
$106 CN_BTOIW CV_BINIW Convert ASCII to binary word (16 bits)
$108 CN_BTOIL CV_BINIL Convert ASCII to binary long word (32 bits)
$10A CN_HTOIB CV_HEXIB Convert ASCII to hex byte (8 bits)
$10C CN_HTOIW CV_HEXIW Convert ASCII to hex word (16 bits)
$10E CN_HTOIL CV_HEXIL Convert ASCII to hex long word (32 bits)
$110 BP_INIT SB_INIPR Add new SuperBasic procedures & functions
$112 CA_GTINT SB_GTINT Fetch word integer parameters
$114 CA_GTFP SB_GTFP Fetch floating point parameters
$116 CA_GTSTR SB_GTSTR Fetch string parameters
$118 CA_GTLIN SB_GTLIN Fetch long integer parameters
$11A BV_CHRIX QA_RESRI Reserve space on the maths stack
$11C RI_EXEC QA_OP Perform a single maths operation
$11E RI_EXECB QA_MOP Perform a list of maths operations
$120 BP_LET SB_PUTP Return a result into a parameter
$122 IO_NAME IOU_DNAM Decode a device name

The following table gives details of the microdrive vectors, which didn’t fit into the first half of the QL ROM. They can all be accessed by code, similar to the following :

start   move.w  MD_READ,a2      ; Fetch the routine address from the vector table
        ;                       ; Set parameter registers etc here
        jsr     $4000(a2)       ; Call the routine in the second half of the ROM
        bra.s   oops            ; Routine returns here on error. Ignore D0 on return
        bra.s   ok              ; Routine returns here on ok.
oops    ;                       ; Process errors here
        ;                       ; Exit or carry on appropriately

ok      ;                       ; Carry on processing here
Vector QDOS Mnemonic SMSQ/E Mnemonic Description
$124 MD_READ MD.READ Read a microdrive sector
$126 MD_WRITE MD.WRITE Write a microdrive sector
$128 MD_VERIN MD.VERIF Verify a microdrive sector
$12A MD_SECTR MD.RDHDR Read a microdrive sector header

The following are not, to my knowledge, documented anywhere else. I have found these undocumented vectors in various places, not least being a DEA dissassembly of the Superbasic ED command (pre SBasic as ED is different in SBasic). The mnemonics are my own and unless someone complains, I shall not change them.

They can all be accessed by some code, similar to the following :

start   move.w  SB_SNTX,a2      ; Fetch the routine address from the vector table
        ;                       ; Set parameter registers etc here
        jsr     $4000(a2)       ; Call the routine in the second half of the ROM

Beware : I am not sure about the return mechanism. It could be an error code in D0.L or it could be a bra.s pair of instructions similar to the MD_XXXX routines. More investigation is required.

Vector My Mnemonic Description
$12C SB_SNTX SuperBasic syntax analyser
$12E SB_FSTFC First syntax table for SuperBasic commands
$130 SB_SSTFC Second syntax table for SuperBasic commands
$132 SB_FPCBL Format a pre-compiled SuperBasic line
$134 SB_CMPER Error when pre-compiling a SuperBasic line
$136 SB_SPFBL Store a pre-compiled SuperBasic line
$138 SB_CCBTA Convert pre-compiled SuperBasic line to ASCII

There is always one awkward one isn’t there ? The following vectored routine is difficult. If the QDOS version is 1.03 or less then call it like this :

start   move.w  SB_INSTK,a2     ; Fetch the routine address from the vector table
        ;                       ; Set parameter registers etc here
        jsr     $4318(a2)       ; Call the routine in the second half of the ROM

and if it is greater than 1.03, call it like this :

start   move.w  SB_INSTK,a2     ; Fetch the routine address from the vector table
        ;                       ; Set parameter registers etc here
        jsr     $4000(a2)       ; Call the routine in the second 16K of ROM

Beware : I am not sure about the return mechanism. It could be an error code in D0.L or it could be a bra.s pair of instructions similar to the MD_XXXX routines. More investigation is required.

Vector My Mnemonic Description
$13A SB_INSTK Initialise SuperBasic internal stacks