Trap #3 - Input/Output & Pointer Environment Traps
Trap #3 covers an awful lot of utilities. Almsot everything to do wiuth the screen, file output and input – as opposed to opening and closing files that is – and there has also been the addition of the PE traps to the mix.
You can skip to the PE traps if you wish.
D0 Key | QDOS Mnemonic | SMSQ/E Mnemonic | Description |
$00 | IO_PEND | IOB.TEST | Test for pending input |
$01 | IO_FBYTE | IOB.FBYT | Fetch a byte |
$02 | IO_FLINE | IOB.FLIN | Fetch a line of bytes |
$03 | IO_FSTRG | IOB.FMUL | Fetch a string |
$04 | IO_EDLIN | IOB.ELIN | Edit a line |
$05 | IO_SBYTE | IOB.SBYT | Send one byte |
$06 | - | IOB.SUML | [[SUML |
$07 | IO_SSTRG | IOB.SMUL | Send a string of bytes |
$08 | Not implemented | ||
$09 | SD_EXTOP | IOW.XTOP | Calls an external screen operation |
$0A | SD_PXENQ | IOW.PIXQ | Get window size/cursor position (pixels) |
$0B | SD_CHENQ | IOW.CHRQ | Get window size/cursor position (Characters) |
$0C | SD_BORDR | IOW.DEFB | Sets the border on a window |
$0D | SD_WDEF | IOW.DEFW | Re-defines a window |
$0E | SD_CURE | IOW.ECUR | Enable a cursor |
$0F | SD_CURS | IOW.DCUR | Disable a cursor |
$10 | SD_POS | IOW.SCUR | Set cursor position |
$11 | SD_TAB | IOW.SCOL | Set horizontal cursor position |
$12 | SD_NL | IOW.NEWL | Do a newline |
$13 | SD_PCOL | IOW.PCOL | Cursor to previous column |
$14 | SD_NCOL | IOW.NCOL | Cursor to next column |
$15 | SD_PROW | IOW.PROW | Cursor to previous row |
$16 | SD_NROW | IOW.NROW | Cursor to next row |
$17 | SD_PIXP | IOW.SPIX | Set cursor position by pixel |
$18 | SD_SCROL | IOW.SCRA | Scroll window |
$19 | SD_SCRTP | IOW.SCRT | Scroll top of window |
$1A | SD_SCRBT | IOW.SCRB | Scroll bottom of window |
$1B | SD_PAN | IOW.PANA | Pan window |
$1C | Not implemented | ||
$1D | Not implemented | ||
$1E | SD_PANLN | IOW.PANL | Pan cursor line |
$1F | SD_PANRT | IOW.PANR | Pan right side of cursor line |
$20 | SD_CLEAR | IOW.CLRA | Clears a window |
$21 | SD_CLRTP | IOW.CLRT | Clear the top of a window |
$22 | SD_CLRBT | IOW.CLRB | Clear the bottom of a window |
$23 | SD_CLRLN | IOW.CLRL | Clears the whole of the cursor line |
$24 | SD_CLRRT | IOW.CLRR | Clears the right side of the cursor line |
$25 | SD_FOUNT | IOW.FONT | Set the fonts for a window |
$26 | SD_RECOL | IOW.RCLR | Recolour a window |
$27 | SD_SETPA | IOW.SPAP | Set paper colour |
$28 | SD_SETST | IOW.SSTR | Set strip colour |
$29 | SD_SETIN | IOW.SINK | Set ink colour |
$2A | SD_SETFL | IOW.SFLA | Set flash mode |
$2B | SD_SETUL | IOW.SULA | Set underline mode |
$2C | SD_SETMD | IOW.SOVA | Set PRINT mode |
$2D | SD_SETSZ | IOW.SSIZ | Set character size |
$2E | SD_FILL | IOW.BLOK | Fill a block |
$2F | SD_DONL | IOW.DONL | Do a pending new line |
$30 | SD_POINT | IOG.DOT | Plot a point |
$31 | SD_LINE | IOG.LINE | Draw a line |
$32 | SD_ARC | IOG.ARC | Draw an arc of a circle |
$33 | SD_ELIPS | IOG.ELIP | Draw an ellipse (or circle) |
$34 | SD_SCALE | IOG.SCAL | Set the scale in a window |
$35 | SD_FLOOD | IOG.FILL | Set fill mode |
$36 | SD_GCUR | IOG.SGCR | Set cursor position using graphics co-ordinates |
$37-$3F | Not implemented | ||
$40 | FS_CHECK | IOF.CHEK | Check pending operations on a file |
$41 | FS_FLUSH | IOF.FLSH | Flush a file’s buffers to the device |
$42 | FS_POSAB | IOF.POSA | Set file position by absolute address |
$43 | FS_POSRE | IOF.POSR | Set file position by relative address |
$44 | Not implemented. Originally reserved for rename | ||
$45 | FS_MDINF | IOF.MINF | Get medium information |
$46 | FS_HEADS | IOF.SHDR | Set a file header |
$47 | FS_HEADR | IOF.RHDR | Read a file header |
$48 | FS_LOAD | IOF.LOAD | Load a file |
$49 | FS_SAVE | IOF.SAVE | Save a file |
$4A | FS_RENAME | IOF.RNAM | Rename a file |
$4B | FS_TRUNCATE | IOF.TRNC | Truncate a file at its current position |
$4C | IOF.DATE | Set or get a file’s date(s) | |
$4D | IOF.MKDIR | Create a new directory | |
$4E | IOF.VERS | Set or get a file’s version | |
$4F | IOF.XINF | Get extended information | |
$50 | IOW.PAPP | Palette colour paper | |
$51 | IOW.STRP | Palette colour strip | |
$52 | IOW.INKP | Palette colour ink | |
$53 | IOW.BORP | Palette colour border | |
$54 | IOW.PAPT | True colour paper | |
$55 | IOW.STRT | True colour strip | |
$56 | IOW.INKT | True colour ink | |
$57 | IOW.BORT | True colour border | |
$58 | IOW.PAPN | Native colour paper | |
$59 | IOW.STRN | Native colour strip | |
$5A | IOW.INKN | Native colour ink | |
$5B | IOW.BORN | Native colour border | |
$5C | IOW.BLKP | Palette colour block | |
$5D | IOW.BLKT | True colour block | |
$5E | IOW.BLKN | Native colour block | |
$5F | Not implemented | ||
$60 | IOW.PALQ | Define QL palette | |
$61 | IOW.PAL8 | Define 8 bit palette | |
$62-$6A | Not implemented | ||
$6B | IOW.WPAP | Define screen wallpaper |
Trap #3 - Pointer Environment
D0 Key | Mnemonic | Description |
$6C | IOP.FLIM | Find window limits |
$6D | IOP.SVPW | Partial window save |
$6E | IOP.RSPW | Partial window restore |
$6F | IOP.SLNK | Set linkage block |
$70 | IOP.PINF | Information enquiry |
$71 | IOP.RPTR | Read pointer |
$72 | IOP.RPXL | Read pixel at x,y |
$73 | IOP.WBLB | Write blob at x,y |
$74 | IOP.LBLB | Write line of blobs |
$75 | Not implemented | |
$76 | IOP.WSPT | Write sprite at x,y |
$77 | IOP.SPRY | Spray pixels in blob |
$78 | Not implemented | |
$79 | Not implemented | |
$7A | IOP.OUTL | Set window outline |
$7B | IOP.SPTR | Set pointer position |
$7C | IOP.PICK | Pick window |
$7D | IOP.SWDF | Set sub-window definition pointer |
$7E | IOP.WSAV | Save window area |
$7F | IOP.WRST | Restore window area |